Only a few months left before heading back to University.
It certainly will feel strange going back to full time education, I have become quite preferable to the fast-paced work life.

Always ‘on the go’ here at Eclipse, and the past couple of months have been no different.

Our first venture exhibiting to the Civil Infrastructure and Technology exhibition was an exciting opportunity for us as Eclipse. Showcasing end-to-end Digital Signage solutions to an industry of which could largely benefit. Internal Signage, timetables and site safety boards were a few of the many examples we promoted at the show.

After the 3 or so exhibitions that I have attended, we have made the usually laborious task of stand de/construction, into a well-oiled machine. Setting a personal best for us I reckon!

eclipse digital media site safety boards

Visiting the Isle of white on a warm sunny day (vary rare of late) has been a highlight of the past month. Conducting a photoshoot for the Carisbrooke Shipping HQ case study, of their practical yet innovative Digital Signage solution.

Busy busy busy working on the new website. My input on this task has been very rewarding, seeing the website and branding grow, develop and evolve. With any luck we should be live in the next few weeks.

isle of wight
gulfoss iceland

Neuromarketing. This fascinating subject along with consumer psychology will be the topic of my next blog post. How results from studies of fMRI, EEG, eye tracking and behavioural science can be linked into improving Digital Signage content and presentation. Did you know, 90% of all decisions are driven by feelings. Provoking, preferably positive emotions (although negative can also work), can be an extremely powerful tool in increasing recall rates.

If you’ve ever wondered if Digital Signage is worthwhile having in an office / corporate environment then you’ll find one of my recent posts interesting. We explore the numerous ways in which digital signage can be integrated into the office / corporate environment and the positive impact it can have.

Aside from work I have taken my first annual leave since starting here at Eclipse Digital. Iceland being the destination of choice. Without a doubt one of the most beautiful countries I have even been lucky enough to visit. Exploring its vast nothingness.

Stay tuned and follow us on Twitter @EclipseDigiUK to keep on track with all my updates.